• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix



Jan 9, 2009
I have horrible bruises all over my knees (black and blue) and I'm starting to get them in my inner thighs. It's so bad that if I wear shorts during the day I'm worried people are going to think I'm being abused and kicked in the knees. :\

I'm tried iceing them and put some vitamin E but so far nothing has worked. Anyone have advice?
Go get your blood checked, but in the mean time start taking iron pills. It may be as simple as an iron deficiency. But it could also be something else, so consult to be sure. But take those supplements.

And not with lots of milk, as calcium interferes with iron absorbtion.
I know what's it from, wrapping my thighs and sliding down poles for 8 hours a day and dancing on my knees.

I was hoping that my body would get used to it after a few weeks but it's gotten worse, not better.
Just wear carpenter's knee guards. That can be part of your outfit. Like a naughty construction worker girl, and just keep the knee guards on!
^^ That is a really cute idea! =D

But yes, you should consider going and getting your blood tested mia. Do you take any vitamin supplements? If not, you should definitely consider doing so. How's your diet at the moment??

I went through a period of brusing easily and I started eating more red meat (i.e. iron) and the problem resolved on its own.

You could also try some Hirudoid cream, but apply it to the affected areas after you finish work so the bruises don't get as bad in the first place.
Atheletes always wrap themselves in ice packs after practice and games.
Knee guards might be a bit too much :) I always wear leg warmers and they help somewhat, but you need your skin to be rubbing against the pole or else you just slide right down (this happened a few days ago and was quite embarassing, I was hanging upside down and slid straight down and hit my head on the floor, one of my top three embarassing stripper moments). I've been wearing them anyway because they help with bruising from floor dancing but now my thighs are bruising because I'm using them to grip the pole...

I'm vegetarian/lactose intolerant and I've been anemic in the past, but I don't want to go get my blood tested because I don't have health insurance at the moment, unless there's something they can give me for the bruises I don't know if there's much point. I've tried icing them and it hasn't really helped, I'll try the arnica gel.
Take Rutin, if you bruise easily, together with vitamin C with other biovlavanoids.
It strengthens your blood vessel walls, so that they don't burst easily. The capillaries are very fragile with some people, especially if you use stimulants.

The flavonoid rutin is an important nutritional supplement because of its ability to strengthen capillaries (Bilberry extract is particularly rich in Rutin).

Because Rutin improves capillary integrity (it works synergistically with vitamin C in this regard) by protecting and preserving the structure (permeability) and strength of those capillaries, this action is said to be of great help for capillary fragility (easy bruising and Bleeding) and venous insufficiency (Varicose veins and spider veins). The bioflavonoid, Rutin, is thought to lessen symptoms associated with prolonged Bleeding and help in cases of Bleeding gums and hemorrhage.

Rutin is a bioflavonoid, and it provides essential support molecules for vitamin C absorption (and should, in fact, be taken at the same time to gain maximum benefit). Rutin supplementation prevents the breakdown of vitamin C in the body before it is metabolized and intensifies its beneficial immune-enhancing effects in the body. Rutin is one of many bioflavonoids that are not actual vitamins in the strictest sense, sometimes being referred to as Vitamin P, and may be found in herbal plants, fruits, vegetables and nuts, etc., and because they cannot be manufactured by the body, they must be supplied through the diet. Bioflavonoids are a class of flavonoids that include rutin, hesperidin, quercetin, eriodictyl and citron, and they are essential for the absorption of vitamin C, which should be taken simultaneously, so they may act synergistically for maximum benefit.

However, since vit's work synergetically, you may als need to take vitamin E to avoid oxidation of Vit C.
Anemia - a possible explanation

What is it?

Anemia is condition caused by low levels of healthy red blood cells or hemoglobin (the part of the red blood cells that delivers oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body). There are over 400 different types of anemia ranging from mild to severe.

What causes it?

Anemia is caused by chronic bleeding, a decrease in red blood cell production, or an increase in red blood cell destruction. A poor diet low in iron can cause anemia, as can some hereditary disorders and certain diseases.

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms of anemia include weakness; fatigue; pale sallow skin; dizziness; lack of color in the palms of hands, gums and nail beds; chest pain; cravings for ice, headache; inability to concentrate; inflammation of the mouth; insomnia; irregular heartbeat; lack of appetite; nails that are dry and brittle; swelling of the hands and feet; thirst; ringing in the ears and unexplained bleeding or easy bruising.

What is the treatment?

Treatment of anemia is usually directed at the underlying cause. The doctor may recommend anemia due to nutritional deficiencies be treated with iron supplements, injections of vitamin B12, or other vitamin supplements. If blood loss is severe, the doctor may recommend the patient undergo transfusions of red blood cells to accelerate their production. Medication or surgery may be necessary to control menstrual flow, repair a bleeding ulcer, or remove polyps (growths or nodules) from the bowels. Cancer-related anemias may be treated with blood transfusions and/or medication.

Self-care tips

While inherited anemias cannot be prevented, avoiding excessive use of alcohol, eating a balanced diet that contains plenty of iron-rich foods, and taking a daily multivitamin can help prevent many types of anemia.

This information has been designed as a comprehensive and quick reference guide written by our health care reviewers. The health information written by our authors is intended to be a supplement to the care provided by your physician
oh yes, rutin! LITM is dead on about rutin. very helpful and inexpensive. you will have to take it faithfully for 2-4 weeks before you'll see definite improvement. it won't make bruises disappear faster but it will reduce new bruises.

damn, mia, i'm sorry things are rough right now. i so totally remember being in a similar spot, hating every minute while trying to pretend i just loved being there. hang in, hope things will improve soon.

you should go get a color doppler flow imaging just to make sure none of your blood vessels were permanently damaged and that you don't need any laser treatment to avoid future complications. be careful, bruising is damaging your circulation, and bad circulation is your legs is very dangerous. (I would go into detail, but it's too complicated.)
oh yes, rutin! LITM is dead on about rutin. very helpful and inexpensive. you will have to take it faithfully for 2-4 weeks before you'll see definite improvement. it won't make bruises disappear faster but it will reduce new bruises.

damn, mia, i'm sorry things are rough right now. i so totally remember being in a similar spot, hating every minute while trying to pretend i just loved being there. hang in, hope things will improve soon.

Not many know this one and it is very effective, I am glad that you did!
To those of you telling me I have a medical condition (besides anemia).... please read the thread.

I've been icing like crazy and it hasn't helped at all. I keep accumulating more bruises, I've gone one of my hip now (????). I spend so much time in that damn club, and the lights are so dim I don't realize them until a few days later.

What I hate is that I don't realize it until after I'm done dancing and then the walk off the stage and back to the dressing room is hell. My new problem is chaffing on my thighs from the pole. And I thought gymnastics fucked up my body! 8)
Maybe try taking it easier, being lazier on the pole? I know when I've gone to clubs in the past I don't give a cr*p about what kind of aerobics the girls are doing, as a matter of fact they're kind of weird sometimes.

The important thing is sort of flirty eye contact and your attitude, right? Then if once every couple hours you want to add some crazy flourish to your routine like twirling around upside down or whatever it'll be cool or impressive but I really think you're working a lot harder than you need to be.
Honestly it's not the pole that is fucking my body up, it's the floor dancing. And that's how I make $.

You're right, guys don't really give a shit about pole tricks but they're fun and they do make you some $ or at least get guys to move up to the stage sometimes. But I make my $ floor dancing because even though I'm pretty skinny and have no boobs, I have an oddly proportioned "black girl" ass as one guy called it tonight, so being on my knees makes me $$$.

I just bruise super super easily and have really pale and incredibly sensitive skin so its not boding well....